The archaeology of ancestors :

The archaeology of ancestors : death, memory, and veneration / edited by Erica Hill and Jon B. Hageman ; foreword by Patricia A. McAnany. - 1 online resource (273 pages) : illustrations, map

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Revisiting ancestors -- Leveraging the dead: the ethnography of ancestors / Jon B. Hageman and Erica Hill -- The archaeology of ancestors / Erica Hill and Jon B. Hageman -- Memory, power, and death in Chinese history and prehistory / Roderick Campbell -- Achieving ancestorhood in Ancient Greece / Carla Antonaccio -- The ethnoarchaeology of West African ancestors: Kusasi shrines and domestic space / Charles Mather -- Discovering ancestors -- Landscapes of ancestors: the structuring of space around Iron Age funerary monuments in Central Europe / Matthew L. Murray -- Royal ancestor construction and veneration in the House of Habsburg / Estella Weiss-Krejci -- Images of ancestors: identifying the revered dead in Moche iconography / Erica Hill -- Where the ancestors live: shrines and their meaning among the classic Maya / Jon B. Hageman.

Ancient peoples used their ancestors' perceived influence to deal with domestic disputes, advertise wealth, validate authority, and much more. Erica Hill and Jon Hageman's volume explores these dimensions of ancestor worship through the study of documentary evidence and material remains, including funerary structures, human remains, art and iconography, structured deposits, and architecture.

9780813055756 (e-book)

Archaeology--Social aspects.
Funeral rites and ceremonies--History.

Electronic books.

CC175 / .A734 2016eb
