Glass : selected properties and crystallization /
edited by Jürn W.P. Schmelzer.
- 1 online resource (610 pages) : illustrations
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Influence of thermal prehistory on crystal nucleation and growth in polymers / Christoph Schick, Evgeny Zhuravlev, René Androsch, Andreas Wurm, and Jürn W.P. Schmelzer -- Early stages of crystal formation in glass-forming metallic alloys / Gerhard Wilde -- Crystalline and amorphous modifications of silica / Ivan Gutzow, Radost Pascova, Nikolai Jordanov, Stoyan Gutzov, Ivan Penkov, Irena Markovska, Jürn W.P. Schmelzer, and Frank-Peter Ludwig -- The main silica phases and some of their properties / Irina G. Polyakova -- Chemical structure of oxide glasses / Natalia M. Vedishcheva and Adrian C. Wright -- Bubbles in silica melts: formation, evolution, and methods of removal / Boris Z. Pevzner and Sergey V. Tarakanov -- Regularities and peculiarities in the crystallization kinetics of silica glass / Victor K. Leko -- Stress-induced pore formation and phase selection in a crystallizing stretched glass / Vladimir M. Fokin, Alexander Karamanov, Alexander S. Abyzov, Jürn W.P. Schmelzer, and Edgar D. Zanotto -- Crystallization of undercooled liquids: results of molecular dynamics simulations / Vladimir G. Baidakov -- Crystal nucleation and growth in glass-forming systems / Gyan P. Johari and Jürn W.P. Schmelzer.