Authorizing Policy / Thad Hall.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9780814273043
- Budget
- Prise de decision
- Depenses publiques
- Processus budgetaire
- Haushaltsplan
- Finanzpolitik
- Policy sciences
- Expenditures, Public -- Decision making
- Expenditures, Public
- Committees
- Budget process
- Budget
- Depenses publiques -- Prise de decision
- Processus budgetaire -- États-Unis
- Sciences de la politique
- Policy sciences
- Expenditures, Public -- Decision making
- Budget -- United States
- Budget process -- United States
- USA Congress
- United States. Congress
- United States. Congress -- Committees
- États-Unis
- United States
- United States -- Appropriations and expenditures -- Decision making
Policy periodicity -- How short-term authorizations work -- Controlling policy change -- Signaling to appropriators -- Oversight and short-term authorizations -- Steering agencies with reauthorizations -- Policy control and short-term authorizations -- The new policy environment -- Conclusion.
Open Access Unrestricted online access star
"This book examines how short-term authorizations create periods of policy stability, when implementation can occur, by allowing policies to be reconsidered only when an authorization expires. This simple procedural mechanism allows Congress to state when certain aspects of a law - such as authorizations of appropriations - will expire. By doing this, Congress creates a schedule for when a given policy will be considered and systematically steers the management of public programs by changing the resources and tools available to policy implementers."--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Description based on print version record.
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